Writing Update and Mailing Lists

Happy New Year everyone! I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday. I started off with a terrible head cold that laid me up for days. I sincerely hope most of you started off 2017 better. On that note here are all the updates for what I plan to do in the new year.

Goals for my writing/the year:

  1. Building Mailing List – I’d like to get a mailing list so when I have giveaways and such, I can let everyone who is interested know.
  2. Finish Writing The Gate Trilogy (I expect this to happen within the next month)
    1. Get all 3 covers done for The Gate Trilogy, reveal the first one.
    2. Publish The Sixth Gate on July 7, 2017
    3. Finish editing all 3 books – get ready for Beta readers.
  3. Choose which book to have done for Audio Book
    1. Find a ‘voice’ for the audio book and pick a date for release next spring (2018).
    2. Send a poll in the fall for which book through Mailing List
  4. Start writing next book. Decide between 1001 Islands #2, Unfathomable Chance #2, or the new YA Fantasy novel – Temporum: The Four Seasons.
  5. Work on Seven Eves – Alaskan Supernatural Crime Novel
  6. Edit and get to Beta Readers An Honest Misunderstanding and consider publishing (maybe just on Wattpad).
  7. Breathe new life into my Historical Mystery Novella. Finish writing ‘The Red Door’ – SO MUCH REWRITING/EDITING!
  8. Editing/rewrite Truthseer 
  9. Participate in NaNoWriMo
  10. Keep up momentum on writing events, speaking events, and conventions.
  11. Read 45 books.

Mailing Lists:

I have created two mailing lists. One for Romance readers and another for Fantasy/Sci-fi readers. I’m hoping to send out discounts, deals, giveaways, sample chapters, and cover reveals of all my books. Not to mention upcoming releases and my decision on which books will first go to audio (that’s right!). I’m preparing for a giveaway shortly, make sure you get on the list!

Sign up here: Mailing Lists

Writing Plans:

I am painfully close to finishing the last book in The Gate Trilogy. Book 1 releases on July 7, 2017. I had the artist who said they were going to do it bail so I need to find a new artist, I may have a line on one of them to do all 3 covers. I’ll get everything ready for publication over the next 5 years.

After completion of The Gate Trilogy I’ll be ready to start on my next project. There are three items that are at the forefront of that race. In no particular order these are my possible next writing projects:

  • 1001 Islands #2
  • Unfathomable Chance #2
  • Temporum: The Four Seasons A new project that I want to do for my good friend Nicky. It is a YA Fantasy that is contemporary and involves the main character ‘falling’ into another world.
  • Another project that I’m working on as well is Seven Eves. An Alaskan Supernatural Crime Novel. This may move to the forefront of my attention until I can make a decision on what of the above projects to take on first.

I also have a few projects I’d like to revive. Namely Truthseer (a book I wrote for my sister but needs to be fixed/worked on before future publication) and The Red Door (a historical mystery novel set in New York City, 1899). I finished rewriting/editing An Honest Misunderstanding some time ago, but I’ve decided to look at publishing. Either to eBook or on Wattpad…or maybe both!


I’ve decided that one of my published books is going to go to Audiobook. I have to decide on just one and I’m very torn. I’ll be sending out a poll to help decide so I’m hoping everyone will sign up to the mailing list and help me make a decision Fall 2017.

Local Events:

Happy to announce that I’ll have other writing events around town and in the Southcoast area in Alaska. I’m very excited about all these events. SenshiCon was amazing last year and I hope to meet as many amazing  people this year as I did last year! My first one is next weekend which is Yuki Fest – here is their Facebook Page.

Reading Goal:

It is my goal to read 45 books. Goodreads Reading Challenge is all set up and tracking me. Apparently I’m 1 book ahead of schedule – yay! I want at least 50% of these to be indie authors so make sure to check out my submission/review policy page if you’d like me to consider reading/reviewing your book.


7 and 1/2 hours

I am very excited to give all of my updates on my projects.

Blog 2.0: An Author’s Take

Hannibal. That was the theme leading up to the Hannibal TV show season 3 premiere. So I went back and watched all of the classics. I also watched a few more because there are only 3 Hannibal movies (I don’t count Hannibal Rising).

Fargo (1996)

Hannibal (2001)

Imitation Game, The (2014)


Red Dragon

Silence of the Lambs

Check them all out here: An Authors Take

1001 Islands

One of my Beta readers informed me this morning that they finished my book and all of the notes. The other Beta reader is only has 10 pages to go. I expect to get a message from them tomorrow. I am thrilled to be getting my final edits together and shipping it off to my editor.

I got draft sketches for the cover. So far I am very excited. Especially for the epic ship she has added to it. I should get a inked draft on Saturday, just before I leave on my camping trip!

The only problem that is really left is the back of the book. I still can’t get it right. I’ve been struggling with what to do and am about to claw my eyes out. I seem to have two ways of doing the blurb for the back of the book; epic fail or epic win. There is no gap but I shall endeavor to keep trying.

Frost Burn

My coauthored book is well underway. You can get the first part for #free on Wattpad. That way you can get your toes wet and decide if the next 3 parts are worth it or not. If you don’t know what Wattpad is, please give it a chance. It is epic and wonderful and not I can’t stop reading other people’s stories on there! It is an app for your phone that allows you to read books that indie writers (an traditional writers) post for free.

Just click on this link: Frost Burn

I meet with my wonderful coauthor on Sunday. We were both very determined to hammer out the best book possible. We had a few changes, but the overall theme and plot remain the same. After 7 and 1/2 hours of typing back and forth we finally worked it out. We also didn’t waste anytime getting to work. We’re already 3 chapters into part 4. Perhaps we’ll finish up faster then we thought and get this baby out in the Fall of 2015!

Love’s Metamorphosis

First round of edits are done. I got it back from my friend who does all my editing (love her) and plan to do another round of edits. I’m just going to construct some sort of cover in the next month and get this baby rolled out on Wattpad. Stay tuned!

In Progress Book – The Gate Doulogy

Continued work in progress. I am 12,000 words in and making head way to getting this baby rolling out faster. Just fine tuning where I want the book to go.

I’ve also started initial editing for the first book in the series. Honestly I am not that motivated since I’m so focused on other books. Not to mention whenever I think about editing I want to curl up on the ground and cry. Grammar really is the bane of my existence.

Honest Hearts Collection

When I take a break from fantasy I like to write romances. My first book completed after I finished my bachelor degree is called ‘An Honest Misunderstanding.’ I have two other outlines for historical romances including the one from 2010. I was rereading over one of the outlines and realized how much I missed it. So despite the fact that I am knee deep in my dark fantasy I’ve started working on this one too.

All of the books will have ‘honest’ in the title. That way if I come up with other ideas I can get more out there. I’m going to work on getting ‘An Honest Misunderstanding’ ready for publication and plan to come out with next spring. That way I’ll be able to go from fantasy in the fall to historical romance in the spring.

‘An Honest Intent’ is my current book. Here is a little peak into that: Abigail Bradford is mistreated by her uncle, but she is still surprised when he decides to marry her off for money. While her uncle pockets the money, Abigail had to leave her sick mother and three very young siblings, to go live with a man she only met twice and only 2 weeks before they married. Mr. St. John needs a wife with an old, respectable name and none are as old as Bradford. Abigail has secrets, terrible secrets, that will either tear her and her new husband apart or bound them together forever.

If you’re interested in ‘An Honest Misunderstanding’ you can check it out here: An Honest Misunderstanding.

The 3rd book which I am right now titled ‘An Honest Persuasion’ will be my NaNoWriMo book.

Stay posted as I keep writing!